About Tara
“I’m Basically A Hobbit Raised By Leprechauns!”
Hi there, I’m Tara. I’m a travel blogger, photographer and part-time pharmacist living in DUBLIN. I was born in New Zealand and raised in Ireland. I’m basically a hobbit raised by leprechauns.
I’ve always travelled, it’s in my blood. My mother had a habit of booking last minute flights and whisking me and my sister away places. I blame her for my itchy feet. Ever since I was a child I’ve always thought that there was a whole wide world out there to explore and I was going to see it.
I’ve notched up a few places, and I’m working on some more. For me, it’s less about the amount of countries I’ve seen and more about the extraordinary experiences I have had while there. I’ve been lucky enough to experience some wonderful things such as training Japanese ninjutsu with grand master Hatsumi (The last living ninja) in Japan, climbing the Inca trail in Peru, horse riding up a volcano in Iceland, getting lost in the favelas of Rio, Brazil and many more.
This blog aims to provide a refreshingly honest view on (mostly) solo and slow travel, with a generous sprinkling of my incredibly colourful lifestyle.
I want to remind you that it is VERY possible to change your life. I want to remind you that you can create the life you’ve always wanted for yourself. I want to remind you that every day you are creating your own story, and why, oh WHY, wouldn’t you want it to be a damn good read?! SO get out there, face your fears, be bold and live your life while you can.
For Media/Business enquiries please contact me at – hello@whereistara.com
Want to Know More?
Check Out These Personal Posts!
– Drugs, Depression & Travelling the World
– Why is Selfish Such a Bad Word??
– How I Afford to Travel
Tara Povey travel b affordble luxury adventure travel